What Problems Should You Watch Out For In Your English Bulldog?

English bulldogs can be lovely pets. They're loyal, friendly, and adorable. However, this breed is also prone to a number of health problems. So, as your English bulldog grows older, it's important to keep an eye out for the following health problems and contact your local pet hospital if anything seems amiss.


BAS stands for brachycephalic airway syndrome. It's a syndrome that develops in dogs with flat faces, such as bulldogs. Most bulldogs have it to some degree, but it's not always serious enough to cause concern. However, if your dog starts wheezing when they breathe, developing shortness of breath after exercising, or struggling to eat, their BAS may be becoming more severe. A vet can evaluate them to see whether treatments like corticosteroids can help.


Some English bulldogs develop eczema. This skin condition can make them itchy, and it can cause them to develop sore, red patches. If left untreated, eczema can lead to skin infections and cysts. So, you should take your bulldog to the vet at the first sign of eczema. The vet can help you figure out what triggers your dog's eczema, so you can avoid those factors. Common triggers include certain food ingredients, shampoos, and sun exposure. The vet may also recommend a steroid medication that you can apply when your dog has a flare-up. This should bring the eczema under control before infection or other problems develop.

Cherry Eye

Cherry eye is a condition in which the dog's third eyelid stops retreating properly and instead stays closed across the eye. It makes the eye look red, swollen, and irritated. Cherry eye is common in English bulldogs. If you start to notice your dog's eye is red and irritated, take them to the vet. Generally, the best treatment is to surgically remove the third eyelid. Most dogs recover well from this procedure.

Pulmonary Stenosis

Pulmonary stenosis is a condition in which the blood vessels on the right side of the heart constrict, reducing the flow of blood to that part of the heart. It can leave your dog short of breath and lethargic. There are medications that can help manage it, so always take your English bulldog to the vet if you suspect they may be suffering from this condition.

English bulldogs are wonderful dogs, but like all dog breeds, they can develop some health problems that need veterinary care as they age.
