Doggy Care Services Most Veterinarians Offer

Most people know they should take their dog to the vet if their dog appears to be sick or injured. You probably also know to take your dog to the vet for routine vaccinations, such as those that protect against rabies and distemper. But what you may not realize is that vets also offer other dog care services that can keep your dog healthy and happy. Here are three key care services you might want to take advantage of.

Teeth Cleaning

Dogs, like humans, tend to accumulate plaque on their teeth over time. That plaque can then harden into tartar, which traps bacteria on the teeth and along the gumline. Tartar can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. However, your vet can remove tartar from your dog's teeth to interrupt this process. They'll have to anesthetize or sedate your dog to do so, but this is usually worth the effort. Having your dog's teeth cleaned periodically can keep their teeth healthier into old age so they can keep eating comfortably. 

Anal Gland Expression

Dogs have two glands, one on each side of their anus. These glands release heavily scented liquid that a dog uses to mark their territory. The glands are meant to release some of this liquid each time your dog poops. However, if your dog has softer or looser stools, even on occasion, the anal glands may not release their fluid as they should. They can become backed up and impacted, which can be uncomfortable for your dog.

If your dog scoots their butt across the floor, or if they ever leave stinky fluid behind where they have been sitting, they likely need their anal glands expressed. A vet can do this simply by applying pressure to the glands at just the right spot.

Nail Trimming

Some owners trim their own dogs' nails. But if you struggle to do this on your own, you can always take your dog to the vet to have it done. The vet will know how to restrain and comfort your dog so they can trim their nails safely. They also know just how close to trim the nails without causing pain or damage.

If you have a dog, consider taking advantage of some of the vet care services above. Vets do more than care for sick pets. They can also provide services that help keep your dog from becoming sick or uncomfortable in the first place.

To learn more about veterinarian services, contact your local vet.
