How Will Your Vet Treat Your Cat's Diarrhea?

Diarrhea in cats can be more than an annoyance. It does not take long for a cat with diarrhea to become dehydrated. Plus, diarrhea usually signals that there is a bigger, underlying health problem affecting your cat. As such, if your cat develops diarrhea, it is a good idea to take them to the vet. The treatment the vet administers will depend on the reason for your cat's diarrhea. Here are some common treatments that vets administer.

A Bland Diet

If your cat's diarrhea is mild and the vet suspects it was caused by something they ate, then your vet may simply recommend a bland diet. This is a limited-ingredient diet that essentially consists of chicken and rice. Sometimes other ingredients, like eggs, are included. This diet will help soothe your cat's digestive tract and give it time to recover. It may also entice your cat to eat. They may sometimes avoid their normal food when they have an upset tummy.

Intestinal Motility Medications

Another treatment your vet may recommend is a medication designed to reduce intestinal motility. In other words, this medication will slow down the contractions that send food through the digestive tract. This will give your cat's body more time to reabsorb fluid from the stool, hopefully putting an end to their diarrhea. This would be akin to you taking Immodium if you, as a human, had diarrhea. 


Sometimes diarrhea can be caused or made worse by an imbalance in the healthy bacteria that colonize your cat's intestines. These bacteria are known as probiotics. Taking probiotic supplements can help put an end to the diarrhea and also improve your cat's digestive health, overall. Probiotic supplements are usually either powders or liquids that you can mix into your cat's food. Your vet will likely have you keep your cat on the probiotic indefinitely.


Some cases of diarrhea are caused by bacterial infections. A vet can take a swab of your cat's stool and determine whether this is the case. If they do find that your cat has a bacterial infection of the intestines, they may prescribe antibiotics. These medications help your cat's body fight off the infectious bacteria.

If your cat has diarrhea, talk to a vet. The vet will dig a little deeper to determine what's causing the diarrhea, and then they will recommend a suitable treatment. Chances are, it will be one of the options listed above.

For more information, contact a pet hospital such as Indian Creek Veterinary Hospital.
